Cats can develop allergies and asthma just like us.
to smoke can develop asthma if breathed in. Being exposed to pollen can develop a hayfever like allergy. Fleas can transport diseases and enable
cats to create an allergy for themselves. Symptoms of cat asthma are coughing,
wheezing and sneezing, like a human. Symptoms to allergies include increased
scratching of skin, itchy and runny eyes, itchy ears or ear infections,
vomiting, diarrhea, unusually loud snoring and swollen paws. If your cat has an
itchy base or base of tail, it is most likely to have a flea allergy.
Vaccination is just as important for the cat as well,
they are as vunerable to diesieses. Cats can catch many different diesieses and
can also be transpose to us, human.

Keun Woo Baek (44768400)
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