Saturday 8 October 2016

Cat Allergy 2

Allergy to cat, but love those PAWS?

 Human allergic reaction to cat is due to one or more allergens produced by cats.
There are one or more allergens that are produced by cat that we are allergic to.  Mostly it’s the glycoprotein (cat’s saliva), dander (dandruff) and even from their urine.
The allergens can be anywhere in our home, especially if there’s a pet or two. Allergen can be found in the carpet, pillows, and even on the walls. Cat’s dander is smaller than the dust mites that it can even be airborne.

Here are few tips to try avoid the allergic reactions to those paws~
Regular cleaning home would be best prevention, and using air filter/purifier. Limiting access to the areas where you spend much time, such as the bedroom.
  • -        Frequent hand washing 
  • -        Regular vacuuming, dusting (wear face mask)
  • -        cover air-conditioning vent with a dense filtering material such as cheesecloth
  • -        Regular brushing to prevent loose fur, and bathing cat (every 6 weeks is recommended)
  • -        Regularly change the litter box 
  • -        Feed high quality cat food with Omega-3 fatty acid (this minimize dander)
  • -        There is medical treatment available as well.

 There are some breeds of cats that are less likely to cause allergic reaction for us.  Siberian, Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, Abyssinian cats, Oriental Short and Longhair and some Siamese cats


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