Monday 3 October 2016

Cat Breed of the Week - Ragdoll

Our cat breed of the week is Ragdoll!

We have chosen this breed because look how fluffy it is and the name!
Lets learn a little more about Ragdoll cats. They are large laid-back, semi longhaired cates with captivating blue eyes. They tend to be lighter in colour on their body compared to their face, legs, tail & ears. They are actually more interested in humans than other breeds of cats and love to follow you from room to room as well as meet you by the front door when you get home. They tend to be floor cats and do not like to jump, they are also quite playful without extending their claws. They simply are the most perfect family cats especially with small children and strangers.
Fun Fact they were developed in the 1960's by Ann Baker; a breeder in Riverside California. The breed came about from free-roaming cats that were found running loose in Ann's neighbourhood. By carefully selecting one individual cat with the look, temperament and criteria she desired she was able to create the Ragdoll breed.   

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