Tuesday 4 October 2016

Tips & Tricks - Getting Started!

We all know how excited we get when we're bring home a new family member but sometimes we forget what we equipment we may need for our little furry friend. So here is a list of equipment you will need when bringing home your new kitten!

Kitty Litter

We're lucky that cats are inclines to go to the toilet in the same area so it won't take long to toilet train them. There are many types of kitty litter trays available some that are just a simple plastic tray ($20) to an enclosed tray to trap the smell ($50-$80) to even the self cleaning kitty litter trays ($150-$200). This is a necessity for your new friend.


No one likes to sleep on the hard floor including cats. As long as its soft and warm you cat will be happy, as you kitten grows older you will be able to notice their preference in bedding and be able to provide bedding to what they like. But cats like to sleep anywhere so don't be offended if they don't sleep in their bed.

Scratching Post

Cats love to scratch! They love to scratch! and they will scratch anything they get their claws on. Buying a scratching post early on allows kittens to get used to them and will allow the chance them destroying your furniture to minimise. Their are 3 tips when buying a scratching post
  1. It should be sturdy and stable
  2. It should be tall
  3. It should probably be vertical.
Your local pet store should have a lot of good quality posts available/

Food & Bowls

You’ll need food and water bowls for your cat, of course. Stainless steel bowls are the favourites among vets because they are easy to clean and sterilize. Make sure that the bowl is shallow especially if it is a small cat so they can easily reach their food.


Kittens are playful critters, and playtime is an important component in their development. Cat toys are great playtime tools, and just about any purpose-built toy that your cat enjoys will be fine. This will allow them to also have something to do when you're not home!


You’ll want to keep your cat looking cute with the proper grooming equipment. At a minimum, you’ll want to have a metal-toothed comb (careful not to get one with sharp teeth), a bristle brush, and a flea comb.


Be sure to also buy a cat carrier. It’s the only safe way to transport your cat, even if you don’t plan any trips longer than to the nearest vet. A loose cat in a car is NOT a good thing! Again, you’ll be faced with a bewildering array of choices. Just make sure that the carrier you choose is well ventilated and sturdy.

That's pretty much everything required to make you new family member feel right at home!


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